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I've been hearing rumors about Home Businesses in Columbus. What's going on?

Nothing circulates faster than rumors with little to no supporting information.

Complaints about home businesses far outnumber any other complaints to the City, and that is why the City declared a moratorium to study the issue further. It's not the Mayor, or City Council who brought this issue to the forefront — it was the sheer volume of resident complaints. It's the job of the five Council members as elected officials — elected by you — to listen.

Mayor Jesse Preiner and members of the Council are pro-home business. However, resolving the number of conflicts that residents have with home businesses nearby that disrupt their life in Columbus, is a priority. The Council is currently searching for a solution to ensure that home businesses appropriate to our peaceful, rural atmosphere, are protected and encouraged to flourish, while protecting the rights of neighbors who want to enjoy their homes as a residential refuge.

To that end, the Council has declared a temporary moratorium on new home business applications only to allow it time to further study, and solicit your input, on this frequent resident complaint.

Columbus City Council and the Planning Commission have not made any rulings on this issue and welcome input from you. It will be on the agenda on Wednesday, October 19 at a joint Council and Planning Commission Workshop. Columbus residents are welcome to attend to learn more and participate in the discussion. You can attend in person, or online by visiting the City website —

In addition, the City will announce a public hearing this fall.

Please join us and voice your opinion.

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